Course curriculum

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    Chapter #1 - Introduction to Ayurveda & the Three Doshas

    • Introduction to Ayurveda

    • Laws & Rules of Ayurveda

    • Vata Dosha

    • Pitta Dosha

    • Kapha Dosha

    • Prakruti Analysis- Mind-body constitution

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    Chapter #2- Factors affecting Doshas

    • Stage of Life

    • Time of the Day

    • Seasons of the year

    • Geographical location

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    Chapter #3- The Disease Process as per Ayurveda

    • Vikruti- The Imbalance!

    • The Disease process- 6 stages

    • Symptoms Of Accumulation Of Doshas

    • Symptoms Of Aggravation Of Doshas

    • Tongue Analysis

    • Stool Analysis

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    Chapter # 4 - Ayurvedic Dietetics

    • The Science of Six tastes

    • Principles of Ayurvedic Dietetics

    • Foods for the three Doshas- Vata, Pitta, Kapha