Course curriculum

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    Welcome to the course!- Instructor intro!

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    Chapter #1

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    Chapter #2

    • Anatomy & Physiology of the Digestive system

    • Importance of Chewing

    • The roles of the Stomach

    • Dangers of an under-active stomach!

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    Chapter #3

    • Introduction to the Concept of Agni-as in Ayurveda!

    • The Four types of Agni- Sama Agni

    • Vishama Agni

    • Tikshna Agni

    • Mand Agni

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    Chapter # 4

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    Chapter # 5

    • Boosting Immunity- The Ayurvedic way!

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    Chapter # 6

    • Recipe # 1 - Tridoshic Tea

    • Recipe # 2 - Vata Tea

    • Recipe # 3- Pitta Tea

    • Recipe # 4 - Kapha Tea

    • Recipe # 5 - Digestive Lassi

    • Recipe # 6 - Tridoshic Khichari